#mike is a morning freak
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phinamina · 10 months ago
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45 notes · View notes
morganhopesmith1996 · 2 months ago
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6 notes · View notes
cosmobrain00 · 1 year ago
mike knowing tht will would eat him if he could bc he loves him so much but cant bc he depends on mike too much to “hunt” n kill for him is smthing tht can be so personal 
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steventhusiast · 11 months ago
STWG prompt 18/4/24
prompt: the beemer
pairing/character(s): steddie
"I didn't see your van outside, you need a ride home?" Gareth asks as everyone's packing up their dice sets.
Eddie looks up from scribbling notes down about important character actions with a hum, and notices that the concerned look on Gareth's face is mirrored by Jeff and Freak.
The freshmen members of the club aren't interested, whispering excitedly amongst themselves about something that will probably cause Eddie problems at their next session. (He catches some complaints about biking home too. Losers.)
"What? No, no, don't worry man." He assures with a smile, and goes back to his notes. Steve's picking him up today. They have a date. Which, sure, he's been on a few official dates with Steve now, but they still make him so... jittery and excited.
He shakes his head at the half-finished page of his notebook and readies his pen. He can't forget that Mike now has a bag of holding, so he writes that down and then closes the notebook and nods to himself, satisfied.
When he looks back up his bandmates are still staring at him in concern.
"You literally never leave your van at home." Jeff points out, and then Freak adds on:
"You call it your child sometimes."
"Hey. Pac-Van is a she, thank you very much." Eddie says, "But seriously, it's fine. I just got a ride this morning and he's picking me up too."
He hasn't gotten round to telling them about him and Steve yet. He knows they'll take great pleasure in making fun of him getting with a jock. You know, because of all those rants he likes to go on at the lunch tables about said jocks... Whatever.
"From Wayne?"
"No." He rolls his eyes at the questioning and shoves his stuff into his backpack, then makes a quick decision. Fuck it, "I promise I'll be fine, you big babies. Harrington's a good driver."
"Harrington?!" They all ask in sync, and that gets the attention of their newer recruits, who are still chattering away. Their heads all snap over to them.
"Why're you talking about Steve?" Mike asks, looking vaguely disgusted. Dustin elbows him in the side.
"Don't worry your angsty little head about it, Wheeler." Eddie says with a grin, and then finally picks up his backpack, "Now I have places to be and people to see so I trust you all to leave this room as you found it? I gotta go."
And with that he leaves the room, ignoring Freak's voice from behind him.
"I thought he was just giving you a ride home."
He makes it to the parking lot just as the beemer pulls in, and finds a smile appearing on his face at the sight. Because he's feeling dramatic, he does a wild little wave at the car. He can't see Steve yet, but he knows that made him chuckle, or at least smile.
"Hey, taxi for Munson?" Steve yells out of his window as he slows the car to a stop, and Eddie's smile widens.
"Oh, we're roleplaying tonight, are we?" He asks as he walks around to the passenger side and gets in. He's pretty sure Steve rolls his eyes at him, but he's also pretty sure he's doing it in a fond way. Hopefully.
Steve doesn't drive off immediately, a glint of something intense in his gaze as he looks at Eddie. He's leaning toward Eddie a little too, and having Steve Harrington's full attention on him is not something Eddie's used to yet, so an unbidden blush appears on his cheeks.
"Good day?"
"Great day, Stevie."
"Good. Can't wait to hear about it over dinner." Steve nods, and his eyes flicker down to his lips for a second, and then he leans out of Eddie's space to start the car up again.
Right. Public space. Homophobic small town. Yadda yadda, kissing can wait until they're safely indoors.
Eddie's too busy fiddling with the radio as the beemer drives off to notice Freak, Gareth and Jeff stood staring at the car from in front of the school doors, perplexed looks on their faces, as the freshmen run over to the bike racks. But he'll definitely be hearing all about their thoughts at band practice.
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johnbrand · 4 months ago
Joining the Flock
Trying something different, please enjoy
With @henrypreppy
JD flipped the meeting invitation back and forth between his hands, the thin paper material an illusion to the actual weight its writing held. He could not believe he had actually agreed to this, let alone thinking about following through with it. It was not like his parents would have ever known. JD could lie about the entire ordeal and get away with it. But now he was officially registered for the first meeting of the year, his name practically carved into stone.
“Hey there, sorry I don’t mean to interrupt.”
JD rotated his head to the door, eyeing down the black-haired freshman standing patiently at the door. Slim, lanky, and could use tweezers, but by his posture JD could already discern that he was a casual fellow.
“I’m assuming you're Michael Freedman?”
“Mike will do,” Mike grinned. “It’s nice to finally meet you, I’m assuming you’re my roommate?”
JD stood up and extended his hand. “You got it, I'm JD.”
The physical exchange allowed for their first day jitters to transmit like a frequency between them.
“JD huh, is that a nickname?”
JD did his best to hold back his embarrassment. “It’s short for Jeremiah Delgado.”
Mike’s eyebrows rose, “A little bit of a mouthful.”
“You should hear it with the middle names,” JD quipped. “It’s what you get when you combine a Hispanic father and Biblically-obsessed mother.”
“Then no wonder you stick to JD,” Mike replied.
Taking a seat back on his bed, JD decided to steer the conversation elsewhere. “When did you move in? I didn’t see you this morning when I’d hauled everything up those four flights of stairs.”
Mike chuckled, “Perks of the top floor right? I assume I moved in right after you left. You’re not a clean freak or anything, are you?”
“God no,” JD answered, the tone shift catching him off guard. “I don’t have time to care about stuff like that.” JD had already picked up on Mike’s disorganization when he had arrived back at the dorm. It was a bit of a shock to see the place had already become a lived-in pigsty, even though they had just moved in. But JD truly did not mind the clutter, he was a bit on the uncleanly side too. Speaking of which, he realized he had forgotten to get a haircut before he left. The dullish chestnut mop was reaching shoulder-length now; JD was a bit curious to see what would happen if he let it grow even longer.
“Sorry if that was a bit blunt,” Mike plopped onto his own bed. “I just saw the invitation and I was curious.”
“The…?” JD paused, before picking up on what Mike was referring to. “Oh this? No sorry, it was pushed onto me at the club fair.”
The event had been just short of organized chaos. Practically a hundred booths had filled the auditorium, each of them advertising different clubs that the freshman could get involved with. Student Council, the Events Commission, even the CIA (which JD learned stood for “Chemists In Action”). He had been casually browsing, the only thing minorly interesting to him being the Pride organization, but somehow had accidentally strolled in front of the wrong stall.
“Looking to join the Campus Ministry?”
The man calling out to JD was rather put-together, probably the only person in the entire event showcasing a three-piece suit. As JD approached cautiously–hoping the man would not grab any more attention then he already had–he was able to inspect the stranger a little further. Late thirties, athletic, a ring on his finger and of average flair. He was not JD’s type, but he could still appreciate that the man held some appealing characteristics.
The man introduced himself as soon as JD drew close enough. “My name’s Peter, I’m the Campus Minister.”
JD replied accordingly, loathing his luck. He had chosen a college as far away from his parents and their strict lifestyle as possible, and yet now here he was, conversing with the very people who abided by their same morals and guidelines.
“Well Jeremiah, are you inclined to learn more about the mission of the Baptist Church?”
Wincing at the use of his full name, JD replied, “I actually grew up Baptist, but I’ve grown away from the faith since.” As soon as the words left his mouth, JD realized his mistake.
“Well you have come to the right place!” Peter exclaimed, a bit too over joyous. “The Campus Ministry is welcome to all, especially those returning to God’s graces.”
Before JD could protest, Peter had already handed him the formal invitation and written his name on the sign-up form. “The meeting is tonight, you won’t miss it!”
“I can’t believe you got sucked into that crap!” Mike was laughing after JD had finished replaying the scene for him. “Are you really planning on going?”
“I mean I have to, right? They’ve got me signed up.”
Mike shrugged, “It’s up to you man, but you don’t have a lot of time to decide.”
JD quickly eyed the invitation and then his phone and realized Mike was right. If he was going to make this meeting, he would have to leave now.
By the time he got to the chapel, he had worked up quite the sweat. JD was not an active person, and as he entered the building, he realized he was also not properly dressed. Everyone else adorned their Sunday bests, some even more formal. The button-ups and slacks were a complete contrast to his own indie band tee and distressed jeans. JD shamefully placed himself in the back pew, hoping no one would notice the black sheep.
“Mind if I sit here, brother?”
JD obliged without acknowledging the stranger, cursing to himself as Peter ascended to the podium at the front of the chapel.
“Brothers and Sisters, I want to welcome you all to our first meeting of the year. As the Campus Minister, it is an honor to be able to guide you in our journey together, and with your trust lead you on the path towards God.”
All the members of the group came together to a round of applause. 
“Let me make one thing clear right away, brothers and sisters,” Peter began assuredly. “At the heart of the Campus Ministry is community. God did not create us to live alone in isolation. He specifically designed us to live together as like-minded beings. To thrive in Biblical communities where people who love Jesus Christ can enjoy fellowship with one another. To help each other grow in the faith, to become more alike. To learn from each other, incorporate a need for each other. God uses others to help us grow individually, and God uses us to grow other people.”
“I am reminded of a verse from Matthew 18:20: ‘For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.’ It is here that Jesus calls us to be sheep, His sheep, flocking under His name in likeness and in aspiration to fulfill His teachings. As a Biblical community, we find ourselves in Jesus. He is our center point, what draws us together, the common bond that we share. And as Baptists, we find ourselves following our shepherd, assimilating as one when we name ourselves a member of His church.”
“So why is community at the heart of the Campus Ministry? Whether you are eighteen-, nineteen-, twenty- or more-years-old, you came here searching for guidance. Guidance to tell you where to go, what to do, who to follow. Guidance found through relationships, through our collective relationship with God and His church. The Campus Ministry offers that guidance and more. Our community of brothers and sisters will help you navigate classes, properly study, and make wise decisions. They will eat with you, spend time with you, bring you into the fold, our flock, no matter what former walk of life. They will help you embody the classic look of a Christian.”
“Now, I would like to invite you to embrace that first step towards community. Take a moment and turn to your neighbor, introduce yourself to your new brother or sister.”
Finding himself slightly absorbed by Peter’s sermon, JD broke out of his haze to finally acknowledge the stranger he had allowed to sit beside him. However, JD found himself rendered speechless by the beautiful man before him. With coppery hair, a diamond-cut jaw, and inviting green eyes, JD gawked a second too long at his traditional counterpart. Pairing pleated trousers with a crimson sweater vest over a simple white button-up, the stranger exuded refinement. From his Ivy League haircut to his natural woodsy smell and even by the way the stranger sat, JD could feel heat rising from his own cheeks.
“Jackson Sanderson,” the stranger offered, and after a uncharacteristic stutter JD replied with his own.
JD was then introduced to other members of the club as they came around to introduce themselves. There was a Colton, a Bryce, a Jared, a Stanley. Eventually the names and faces began to blur together, each of them almost identical to each other. Attractive by traditional standards, reeking of arrogance and privilege. JD found himself almost unable to hide his large erection, loathing his existence. It was times like these he wished not to be “blessed” as his father had once grotesquely put it.
After everyone had returned to their seats, Peter finished his monologue. “Before you realize it, each and every one of you will become bonded through our Campus Ministry. It may not happen right away, but once you begin to know each other, you will begin to shape each other too. Now, let us end in prayer.”
JD’s first day of classes flashed by in an instant. Undecided, his schedule was mostly filled with the required objectives. A standard biology course, base level statistics, even a communications class–all of which had no actual assignments for the day besides reading the syllabus. But by the late afternoon after his final seminar, JD found himself ready for a lazy evening. He drafted plans involving picking up fast food, watching an episode or ten of some raunchy sitcom, and then drifting off to bed.
The minister’s assertive baritone cut through JD’s headphones, which were slowly lowered to passive-aggressively demonstrate his annoyance.
“I wanted to thank you for coming to the first Campus Ministry meeting last night,” Peter explained as he approached. Today, he was dressed in a brown suit with a pattern meant for a man twice his age. “I was hoping to discuss some other things as well. Have a moment?”
Reluctantly, JD obliged, and soon he was following Peter to his office. Once inside, JD was able to discern a bit more about this man who had strangely taken an interest in him. Basic wooden cross on the wall, pile of materials on theology beside the desk, a picture of a woman around the minister’s age holding three children. JD accepted the seat in front of the desk, hoping this would not take long.
“Seeing the instantaneous bond that we have created over the past 24 hours,” JD restrained his eyebrow from visually questioning this statement. “I took it upon myself to become your academic counselor. As your minister, it’s my role to offer you structure and guidance during these impressionable years.”
JD was a bit startled by this statement, but said nothing.
Peter continued, “I’ve already taken a gander at your schedule and noticed all gen-eds. As you are undecided, I was curious if you had any majors you had in mind.”
“Not particularly,” JD answered, finding himself a little more relaxed. “I was hoping I wouldn’t have to think about it until a bit later, honestly.”
Peter’s direct eye contact intensified slightly. “Maybe it would be best to spread out your electives and place you in some courses designed to determine a major. Considering your passion for the faith, you could look into some classes in the Religion Department.”
JD found the minister’s wording a bit odd, almost belittling in a way. His response came out a bit muddled, “I never said that I had a passion for the faith?”
“Well, Jeremiah, I think it could do you a lot of good. As the Campus Minister, I’d be happy to offer you some additional resources as well.”
“Of course,” Peter’s face broke out into a big grin. “I’ll connect you with one of our students in the department. I have one in mind already, a sophomore: Jackson Sanderson.”
A blush broke out onto JD’s face. He could not perceive if the minister had noticed it or not.
“Jackson is one of our finest men,” Peter resumed. “You will immediately find him as a brother, perhaps one of your closest. After a while, you will feel the desire to emulate him, as he has the classic look of a Christian.”
Again, JD noted the strange diction, and a repeat of a phrase he had heard last night. But JD also noticed that he felt a certain calm when he listened to Peter. His voice just had a quality that kept one at ease. That was probably why he had become a minister.
“I’ll notify Jackson to get in contact with you shortly.” Peter then took a stand, prompting JD to do the same. “Until then, let’s begin thinking about your major and where we’d like to see you next semester. And further along, when you graduate.”
Jackson reached out to JD hours later, and after a bit of texting JD found himself roped into a study session the following day. He did not know what to expect, but he decided to put his best foot forward. Sure, he had no desire to engage with the church after his high school graduation, but JD rationalized that he could still be there to make friends.
“Jeremiah!” Jackson called out from one of the pews. He was surrounded by a swarm of men, all wearing outfits appropriate for more conservative times. JD had prepared for this, although his khakis and short-sleeved button-up still did not fit the bill.
“It’s JD,” JD corrected politely. “Thank you for letting me crash your guys’ study group.”
“Of course!” one of the men replied. JD should have known his name, but the person’s features were almost unrecognizable from the next. “Any brother is welcome to join.”
“Especially once Peter told us you were enrolling in the Religion Department,” Jackson added.
“I’m not enrolling in the Religion Department.”
“We get it, you’re ‘just interested’,” a second man insisted, to which everyone else began to chuckle as if he were referring to some inside joke.
“Anyway, don’t worry about it.” Jackson replied. The smooth quality of Jackson’s tenor settled JD’s nerves. “Let’s get to studying, shall we?”
The group agreed and promptly found themselves absorbed in their literature. While JD stuck to his reading and recording notes, the other men held a shallow conversation: one that any person could easily flow in and out of without paying too much attention. It began with simple topics at first; professors, extracurriculars, sports. None of these would typically entice JD, but he found himself occasionally tuning into the group’s monotonous channel. Eventually however, the topics converged into a singular subject: the Bible.
“I just think John’s interpretation is by far superior to the synoptic gospels,” Colton countered. JD could not believe he had remembered his name. “His use of monological writing is what makes Jesus more engaging to the interpreter.”
Jackson shook his head, “That may be true, but the synoptic gospels offer parables, short stories that people can relate too.” Jackson’s presence was different now then when they had first met. Before, frankly, JD had taken eroticism from Jackson’s standardized beauty. But now, he sensed something else. Rather than affection, JD recognized admiration.
“Enlighten us, Jackson, what parables can you relate to,” Bryce teased. “If we looked under your bed, would we find oil? As we already know you are a virgin.”
All of the men, including Jackson and JD, took joy in that remark.
“Perhaps you will, perhaps you won’t,” Jackson finally replied. “But take our group for example, are we not fulfilling a parable right now? I would situate ourselves in the story of the Prodigal Son.” Jackson motioned to his peers, “Are we not the father?” And then to just JD, “And is Jeremiah not the Prodigal Son?”
The group pondered this thought, turning expectantly towards JD for an answer.
“Um…” JD stumbled, not expecting to be put on the spot. “I mean, that’s one way to look at it.”
Once again, the group exploded into laughter, their volume ascending to the roof of the chapel. JD chuckled along too, his nervousness fading as he became more comfortable with the group. By the end of the night, he found himself pleasantly surprised as he accepted the invitation to the next study session.
“Hey dude, are you interested in going clubbing?” Mike asked, having just exited the shower.
“When are you thinking of going?” JD was reorganizing his desk. For some reason, its cluttered nature had begun to bother him.
“In a few minutes here, hopefully.” Mike dropped the towel on the floor and grabbed some clothes off his bed. He gave a strong sniff to each item inspected, those too dirty were then tossed onto the floor. JD observed this but said nothing.
“Man, sorry but I can’t. I got a study group tonight.”
“On a Friday night?” Mike questioned. “This is like the fourth Friday in a row.”
“I know, but I already said I was going to be there.”
Mike frowned, scratching at his lower regions a bit. JD swiftly averted his eyes. “But don’t you study with these guys three times a week, and have lunch with them everyday too?”
“Yeah, but they purposely choose Friday nights to not be tempted,” JD finally answered.
The partially-answering statement held in the air for an awkward moment. Eventually, Mike responded. “Right…”
JD turned back to his task at hand, throwing out trash that should have been discarded earlier.
“Well,” Mike grabbed a jacket and his keys. “I guess I’ll see you later then.”
“Uh huh,” JD’s response was dull. Once Mike shut the door, he released the long breath that he had subconsciously been holding. He wondered when Mike’s presence had become so taxing. Perhaps he compared his roommate to the study group’s austere quality. JD found those straight-laced men ironically soothing.
This theory was proven once JD arrived into the chapel, the smiling faces of his peers sending a warm tingle across his body. The study session went similar to the rest, beginning with actual work before simply devolving into lighthearted, yet engaging discussions. If these conversations were not surrounding the Bible, then they focused on a topic JD was even less familiar with. 
“I think I’m going to propose to Hannah,” Jared suddenly said, to which everyone in the group audibly gasped.
“Are you ready, brother?” Jackson inquired, to which JD nodded along. 
“He’s already got the ring,” Stanley answered. Weeks ago, this development would have shocked JD. Two twenty-year-olds marrying in this day and age? But now, the thought was not that unfathomable to him. He was becoming more accustomed to the men's ideology.
“I booked reservations for her favorite restaurant,” Jared announced, his typical stale manner of speaking almost giddy. Almost. “I’ll pop the question before dessert of course, it’s all arranged.”
To that, the men applauded Jared, shaking his hand vigorously and giving brotherly pats on the back. JD high-fived him, embracing the honest excitement for Jared. Once they cooled down, Colton continued the conversation.
“Now you’ve got me inspired, thinking I should finally pop the question to Mary.”
“You’ve been thinking about doing that since you first met her in private school,” Bryce retorted.
“And have you not pondered the same with Julia, brother?” Jackson smirked, to which the other men piggy-backed off of. “Speaking of women, have you set your sights on any yet, Jeremiah?”
JD blinked, unbothered by the use of his full name, “Uh…not exactly. I just haven’t  been looking for anyone I guess.” 
JD was telling the truth. Before college, he had planned on finally finding a male partner to love and hold. And to lose his virginity to. But since the first day of classes, JD had not felt a connection to any male in particular on campus–or in general. JD assumed his sex drive had been lowered, that he was just growing out of some awkward teenage phase.
“Perhaps we’ll have to set you up then,” Jared’s grin held an impish edge. “I believe Jessica is still looking for a potential husband.”
Jackson shot Jared a glare, to which all the other men hollered at. “Jessica is only a freshman.”
“And so is Jeremiah,” Stanley pointed out. JD tried his best to stay quiet, although he had to admit that he was having fun too.
“We’ll see if Jeremiah proves to be everything the minister has promised,” Jackson offered. “After all, Jessica will only take a man who has that classic look of a Christian.”
“Jeremiah! Thank you for meeting with me again. Please, take a seat.”
JD followed the instruction, placing himself on the other side of the minister’s desk.
“Already halfway through your first semester, isn’t that unbelievable?” Peter started.
“It certainly is,” JD’s response was friendly. “Can’t believe two months have already flown by.”
“I can’t believe it either, but I can see it,” Peter noted. “I’m assuming you’ve been having meals with your other brothers?”
“They’ve got me going to the gym now too,” JD sighed. “An hour every morning before class since last week.” 
JD had been dining regularly with his study group, at lunch and dinner and even the occasional breakfast. And since this habit had begun, JD found himself eating like his peers too. No more ramen and late night fast food deliveries. Fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins were now the major facets of his diet, leading to his cleaner skin and an overall healthier glow. It was strange at first to recognize how much of a difference this better diet–and as of recently the exercise–had improved his body. JD found himself a bit more muscular, a bit more jovial, and overall more energized.
“That’s not surprising, our men do like to stay in proper form, physically and spiritually,” Peter chuckled. “Speaking of which, last we talked, you had discussed that you were contemplating committing to a major in the Religion Department. Have you thought more on that topic?”
JD considered this for a moment, not remembering if that was what he had actually said or not. But something about the minister’s confident tone assured him that Peter was correct. That was why he had come to this college after all, as his parents had approved of the strong Baptist connection. At least, to appease their wishes.
“A little bit I guess,” JD replied, causing Peter to grin. JD at first thought of it as smug, but then corrected the thought to Peter simply being excited for him. “I mean I’ve attended all four of the Campus Ministry events so far, and being around the guys has certainly been an influence.”
“A positive influence,” Peter amended.
“Yeah…a positive influence,” JD slowly repeated back, before coming back to speed. “As of right now though, I’m still undecided on it all.” Peter carefully leaned back in his chair, spreading his legs out a bit to accommodate. It was almost like the minister was trying to size him up, assert a bit more control.
“You are apprehensive because you still identify yourself as an outsider to our community.” Peter’s response was measured, continuous yet firm with every word laid out. “One thing that can be addressed is your attire. At the material level, you will follow the direction of your peers.”
JD tried to process this, although his brain felt a little hazy. “That might help, yeah.”
“That is something that can be addressed too, your intonation.” There was a particular glint in Peter’s eye, but JD found it easier to focus on the minister’s voice. “Just like your brothers, your inflection will remain in control and moderated. Your pitch will remain even and your vocabulary will become more refined.”
“Certainly.” While just one word, each syllable had required additional effort to come forth from JD’s mouth. The colorless articulation however obscured this exertion.
“It’s good that you’re taking my advice, Jeremiah,” Peter affirmed. “You have placed your trust in me to lead you on the path towards God.”
JD did not know if this was true before, but after Peter had said it, it felt as such.
“You will want nothing more than to become a part of our community,” Peter finalized. “I’ll inform Jackson of such, and he’ll help you along.”
JD stepped out of the bathroom, steam pouring out from behind him. He had never taken such a long and luxurious shower but it had felt so right. Jackson had recommended it, saying it was the best way to get rid of any excess hair that may have stuck to his skin after visiting the barber. He could not see it now, but JD already loved the shortened cut on his head. Once it was dried, the sides would naturally fall into a tight bowl-like shape. Then, JD would have the pleasure of applying the product–prescribed by Jackson–to fluff his bangs up into a traditional, conservative quiff. A proper style for a gentleman like himself.
In nothing but a towel, JD peered cautiously around the room. All alone, he allowed himself to freely disdain his roommate’s messy style. He had remained civil around the topic with Mike, but had secretly grown to loathe it. JD knew better than to say anything however, as that would have been pompous. Carefully placing his feet into open spots on the floor, JD tip-toed his way to his dresser, surprised to find a small note taped to the drawer.
A final gift, the classic look of a Christian -JS
Not thinking twice about the phrase, JD was surprised to find his boxers had been replaced with starchy, high-waisted white briefs. But his confusion quickly dissolved into recognition before fading into a simple, charming smile. The cotton fabric went up and over each of his legs in a matter of moments, the traditional cut making JD feel grounded somehow. Controlled.
Turning to face the mirror, it was almost shocking for JD to see the new reflection of himself. Only weeks away from the end of his first semester and the man before him was much different than the boy who had come to campus. Tanner, more muscular, an image of young masculinity. But those were explainable thanks to his improved diet and exercise. Other factors, like his wider jaw, broader shoulders, and inched-back hairline, were not as identifiable. JD questioned if it was incoming maturity, or perhaps something else.
Before he could reflect on the thought further, his body mechanically moved along to his wardrobe. A rack once filled with tees and crewnecks was now stuffed by dress shirts, vests, and blazers of assorted varieties. Tamer colors and patterns, only distinguishable to the distinguished eye. The rest of JD’s dresser now contained a variety of slacks, along with many different types of dress socks and ties. Loafers, oxfords, brogues among others sat in alphabetical order at the bottom. It was practical, and practically perfect.
When his peers had first offered to makeover his closet, JD had been apprehensive. Something in the back of his mind rang an alarm, whispering that he would also be sacrificing a part of his individuality. But JD’s body had decided for him in that moment, his head nodding in approval and with an amiable grin. And now after the swap, which JD later learned was in part financed by the Campus Ministry, he realized there was nothing he should have been afraid of.
After all, all of the brothers were remarkably different. Colton rocked a business cut with his blond hair, a style no one else had. Bryce had the most suits of the five, almost as many as their minister. Jared was the only one officially engaged (although JD predicted that fact would not last much longer. Stanley had his thick, time-honored black horned rims. And Jackson held his affinity for sweater vests, a Bonafede professional at styling them. They were truly all unique.
Quickly assembling his hair and a tasteful outfit–a white button-up, French navy-hued trousers, a currant colored tie and chocolatey derbies for his feet–JD assembled his school bag and made haste for the chapel. When he arrived, it was only Jackson awaiting him in the pews. The others had gone out to grab a quick meal.
“Jeremiah! I was beginning to think you wouldn’t make it,” Jackson nudged as JD took a seat beside him in the pew.
“You know I would not miss our study sessions for the world, brother!” JD’s rebuttal was chipper and authentic. Since Mike’s first proposal of clubbing, the offer has never been made again. But JD had received other invitations for outings with his fellow peers. However, none of them were ever accepted. To JD, it always felt more appropriate to stick to his group. Their presence felt familiar, grounded. Right.
“‘They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship’,” Jackson started. “‘to the breaking of bread and to prayer.’” 
“‘And all the believers were together and had everything in common.’” JD finished.
“The Book of Acts, I’m impressed,” Jackson smirked. “I now understand why Peter was so serious about you.”
JD should have questioned what Jackson was referring to, but instead sunk into the warm glow of his brother’s approval.
“But there’s still one thing you have to do,” Jackson noted.
JD’s heartbeat hastened rapidly, something he had not expected.
“You have got to come to church with us!”
JD felt a glimmer of hesitancy. He had not gone to church since he had come to college. He tried to remember why, but a subtle pain clouded his thoughts. Was it because of his parents? No, they just wanted what was best for him. Then was it because JD did not feel accepted by the church? JD tried to follow that thread, but the deeper he ventured, the stronger the ache in his head became.
“Come on, what have you got to lose?” Jackson gave JD a playful shove. “Plus, the minister will be giving a blessing to all students before finals.”
Something was telling JD to reconsider. Something urged him to do otherwise. But JD could not figure out what was so wrong about attending a simple service.
“Alright, I’ll go.”
Jackson’s perfect smile was wider than JD had ever seen it. “That’s it, brother! Then you’ll be just like us.”
That statement triggered something in JD. As if following out a code downloaded into his vital operating systems, he made a note to schedule an appointment with his academic counselor.
“What can I help you with today, Jeremiah?” 
Unlike the composed minister sitting before him, JD was irritable, prickly. Words were begging to escape his mouth, although he could not figure out what they were. He tried to express them as best he could.
“I want to become a part of the Campus Ministry, a part of your Biblical community.”
“And why’s that?”
“Because I want to be another sheep in the flock.”
A small smile tugged at one corner of Peter’s lip. “In other words, you are saying…”
The words flew out JD’s mouth: “I want to embody the classic look of a Christian. I want to fit in.”
That heavy, revealing truth tumbled before the two men, its release absolving JD of a burden unaware to him had been accumulating for months. Ever since his first meeting with the minister.
“It’s much easier to be just another piece of the puzzle, Jeremiah,” Peter began. “Never having to worry about anything else when you have a place to belong.”
The minister reached into his desk and pulled open a drawer, removing a small folder with JD’s name on it. Opening it, Peter pulled out a single sheet of paper and placed it in front of him. JD’s eyes scanned the page before focusing back on Peter’s own.
“Your schedule that I have already drafted up for the next semester,” Peter replied, grabbing a pen. “You will join the Religion Department as a Theology major with a minor in Baptist Ministries. After graduation, you will continue your studies to receive a Masters of Divinity. By then, my proselytization will no longer be necessary as you will have become a permanent traditionalist.”
JD knew better than to say anything. Instead, he let his actions speak for him, his hand accepting the pen from Peter and with a delicate cursive, signing his name.
“Welcome to the flock, Jeremiah.”
“A healthy Christian learns and grows through community. A healthy Christian experiences spiritual and relational growth when surrounded by an affirming group of like-minded believers. Jesus spent a significant amount of time with his small group, the apostles, molding them and teaching them how to love and support one another and how to function as a healthy small group. Today, we do the same for our brothers and our sisters.”
Jeremiah sat in the front row next to Jackson, Colton, Bryce, Jared, and Stanley. The group was expertly dressed. Jeremiah’s baby blue button-up was paired with a matching tie underneath his charcoal suit. The tie, with cornflower polka dots on top of a banana cream yellow, was particularly chosen for its “vibrant and exciting pattern,” as Jeremiah had thought of it. Along with caramel wing tips that coupled nicely with his soft yet stiff quiff, Jeremiah felt dignified by his outfit. 
“It’s great to be part of a healthy, well-functioning group,” the preacher, an older, handsomely well-off man by the name of Dr. Ernest Holloway, continued. “However, our individual wishes can sometimes interfere with the overarching needs of the congregation. For our Christian community to remain intact, we need to come before God with an earnest desire to help others, and therefore maintain the needs of the group to truly experience the richness and glory of His intentions.”
“Being in a group is committing to one another by saying, ‘I want to laugh with you, share with you, study with you, and pray with you’.” Taking a deep breath, the doctor made his closing statement. “Being in a group is saying, 'All I want is to be like you’. Amen.”
“Amen,” Jeremiah and the congregation replied. The rest of the service went by quickly, and before Jeremiah knew it, he had finished singing the final verse of the closing hymn. Soon, the church was bursting with lively energy. Joyful conversations broke out between the Baptist brothers and sisters, nobody in a hurry towards the exit. Jeremiah found himself in a similar manner, following behind his peers as they sauntered their way towards the door.
As Jeremiah followed Jackson outside of the church, a young female voice rang out from behind them. “Well look at these fine, upstanding, proper young men!”
The pair turned around, now outside, to see who had beckoned them. Jeremiah caught the eye of the young lady, her coppery hair and conservative sense of style somehow familiar to him. 
“Both of you are so dandy and traditional,” she remarked. “A classic look for a Christian.”
“Jeremiah,” Jackson sighed. “This is my younger sister, Jessica.”
It took Jeremiah a moment to compose himself, a bit of scarlet peppering his cheeks. His hand nervously shot forward. “J…Jeremiah Joshua Manuel Delgado…nice to make your a...acquaintance.”
Jessica accepted his greeting. “I’ve never had quite this effect on one of your friends before,” she smiled to Jackson. “I think he fancies me.”
“Don’t flatter yourself so, Jessica,” Jackson denied. But all three of them knew Jessica was telling the truth. Jeremiah had gone nonverbal, the blood from his brain redirected to another destination. There was a tingling sensation around Jeremiah's genitals, his member slowly inflating. It was times like these that he was thankful to have “not been blessed” as his father once put it. If his package had been larger, there surely would have been an indecent scene.
Jeremiah knew what he had to do. With all the strength he could muster, he drew the only words he could think of to his mouth. His perfect jaw shifted, heavy brow furrowed, and he forced the sole sentence out of his mouth.
“Jessica Sanderson, will you marry me?”
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“JD…Jeremiah, is that you?”
Jeremiah had finally grabbed the remainder of his items, the last bags of his belongings ready to go. Mike was standing at the door, blocking his path.
“Where are you going?”
Jeremiah scoffed, disapproving of Mike's irregular radicalism. “Somewhere that is cleaner, fresher, prim and proper. Somewhere where I can remain a dignified man dedicated to preserving tradition and culture in this world. If I am to embody the classic look of a Christian, then I ought to do so with like-minded brothers.”
Confused, not only by the fancified words but by his roommate’s overall preppification during their first semester, Mike asked a simple question. “Why?”
With a pleasant smile, Jeremiah handed over a small sheet of paper. He then exited the dorm, leaving Mike to flip the Campus Ministry’s invitation back and forth between his own hands and consider the harm of attending just one meeting.
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louloulemons-posts · 1 year ago
Cuddle Bug
Eddie Munson X reader
Summary : Eddie isn’t very well and the only person who can make him feel better is reader.
Word Count : 1.6k
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Warnings : not proofread, fluff, poorly eddie, eddie takes medication, touch starved eddie, eddie just loves reader so much.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
You and Eddie had been dating for 3 months now and it had been great, you’d been friends for a while and then it somehow became more. It was so natural, easy, the pair of you had never felt this way.
However, Eddie wasn’t one to be overly affection, well physically that is. The boy was touch starved, and although Wayne loved his nephew, he was brought up seeing very little affection himself. So when Eddie ended up with him, he didn’t really know how to parent.
It was pats on the shoulder, ruffles of hair, awkward, but loving smiles. That showed in Eddie, when you first held his hand and kissed his cheek he freaked, he didn’t know if it was normal or not.
He ended up speaking to Nancy Wheeler about it, Steve would make fun, Robin didn’t date, Wheeler was different. She had told Eddie it was okay, telling him that Mike had trouble being physically affectionate due to seeing their fathers blatant lack of interest towards their mother and his own children.
It gave Eddie some comfort, making him relax when you showed gentle touches, when he also showed you. He loved touching you, even if it was the brushing of fingers as you walked side by side, Eddie loved it.
However, he didn’t expect to wake up one day and be craving your touch to the point he could cry. He had been quiet all morning, Wayne asking if he was alright, to which the boy had only grunted.
He was even more miserable going to school, knowing you wouldn’t be there until lunch, having to go for an appointment. He actually considered skipping, but Wayne shoved him out the door.
Eddie felt awful, sluggish, grouchy, he was just in an awful mood. “What’s that face?” Gareth asked, as the boy walked over, dropping his cigarette butt on the floor.
“You look like your worlds ending.”
“I’m fine,” he said, snapping slightly. Sighing he spoke again, “Sorry, let’s just go to class.”
“Sure,” the younger boy nodded, worrying for his friend.
Eddie was uncharacteristically quiet in class, not making any jokes, not tapping on the desk, he was resting his head on his arms. The lights were too bright, noise was amplified, his body ached, he needed you.
“You okay?” Gareth asked quietly.
“Hm?” The curly haired boy friend his face to his friend. “Are you okay? You don’t look well.”
“Thanks for the confidence boost,” he joked, head banging when he chuckled, making him wince.
“Maybe you should see the nurse.”
“I’m good man, don’t worry.” He knew that his friend thought he was lying, and he wasn’t wrong to think that. He felt horrible.
“Mr Munson, last time I checked my class was English, not nap time, focus please,” the teacher scolded. Eddie lifted his head, holding it in his hand, worried he couldn’t keep it up without.
This was gonna be a long day.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
It was indeed the longest day of Eddie Munson life, he had to drag himself to lunch. Barely able to sit in the cafeteria with all of the chatter, all of the Hellfire boys were concerned for their DM.
Sat massaging his temples he sighed, what was wrong with him? “Hey Eddie,” Dustin spoke. “What?” he said, voice quiet.
“Look,” the young boy spoke, motioning to the door.
There you were, making your way through the crowd of people, he could have burst in to tears then and there. Pushing up carefully he made his way over to you.
Engulfed by a hug, your eyes went wide, “Eddie?” you spoke softly, arms coming to wrap around him. “Missed you,” he said, nuzzling into your neck.
You were taken aback, Eddie wasn’t this affectionate in private, let alone public. “Are you alright?” you asked.
“Mm, just missed you. How was the appointment?” he pulled away, hands on your waist.
“It was fine,” you said simply, hand coming to touch his face, “You’re burning up.”
“I’m fine.”
“Baby you’re sick.”
“Eddie, don’t argue with me. We’re going home.”
“What? No, you only just got here, you’re gonna make me be all alone?” he whined.
“I said we, come on,” linking your fingers you went to the Hellfire lunch table, saying hi to the boys and picking up Eddies stuff.
“He’s not well, so I’m taking him home,” you explained. “I’m fine!” Shooting him a glare the boy quietened. “You’ve been ill all day man,” Gareth said.
“Why didn’t you go home?” you asked.
“I-I,” the boy stuttered, unable to give an answer, he knew what it was, but didn’t want to say in front of the guys.
“Come on let’s go.” You carried both yours and Eddies things, holding his hand also and led him out of the school. “Keys please,” you said.
“What?” he asked.
“You’re not driving like this, I’ll drive.”
“What about your car?”
“Dad dropped me off.” Eddie sighed, but complied, taking his keys out of his pocked and dropping them into your hand.
He climbed in the van slowly, instantly resting his head against the window. “What’s not feeling good?” you asked.
“I think you’ve got the flu.”
“I don’t get sick.”
“Baby,” you sighed, as you put the keys in.
“I’m fine.”
“You’re not, and that’s okay. It’s okay to be sick, I’m gonna take care of you. Now do you want to go to mine or to the trailer?”
“Can we go home?”
“Sure baby,” you said, brushing his curls gently before beginning the drive. The boys head rested against the cool window for the entirety of the drive, eyes closed.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
“Eddie,” you whispered, “Baby we’re home.” Eyes fluttering open, you were back at the trailer, the boy winced once more at the light. “Come on, let’s get you in.”
Eddie moved slowly, his whole body sore, heavy. He felt like he would fall if he didn’t sit down soon. Your arm wrapped around his middle, helping him, you saw him sway on his feet.
Pushing open the door, you spoke to Eddie softly, “You go get into something comfy, I’m going to talk to Wayne.” He whined, trying to keep you close to him. “It’s okay baby, I’ll be there in a minute.”
He huffed, slowly making his way to his room, hands on the wall the whole way to support him. “Eddie, what did I tell you about skipping- oh hello Honey,” Wayne Munson spoke, slightly confused with your presence.
“Is everything alright?” he questioned.
“Eddie has a fever so I brought him home, I was wondering if you’d mind me staying to look after him?”
“Our home is yours, you’re always welcome. I’ll find you some medication for him.”
Once you explained his headache, sensitivity to light and sluggishness, Wayne handed you some tablets and a glass of water. “This should help, keep his room dark too, and he’ll need to sweat out a fever.”
“Of course, thank you.”
“Thank you for looking after my boy,” he said, squeezing your shoulder, before nodding and walking back to the couch to continue what he was doing before.
Pushing open Eddies door with your hip, you frowned at the sight before you. Clothes were dropped on the floor, his pyjama draw open. Eddie himself was lay under his quilt, the top his his curls the only indication that it was him.
“Baby, I’ve got some things to make you feel better,” you spoke softly, not wanting to hurt his head. He groaned as he moved from under the blanket, the sunlight attacking his skin.
“Hang on, let me get the curtains,” you said, placing the pills and water next to him, quickly pulling them closed. They weren’t the best, but they did make the room a bearable light for the boy.
“Thank you,” he mumbled as you got on the bed next to him, he took the medication with ease, sipping the water. “Why did you go to school if you felt bad?” you asked, playing with his hair.
“Wanted to see you,” he said, voice so quiet it was almost a whisper. “Oh Eds,” you kissed his cheek. “Will you stay?”
“Of course I will, let me change.”
“Can we … um, can we,” he huffed, frustrated that he couldn’t get his words out. Sliding out of your jeans and top, you picked up Eddies hellfire shirt, allowing it to cover your skin.
You climbed under the covers next to him, “What baby?”
“Can we, if you want, could we cuddle?” Your heart melted at that, even though he was feeling horrible he still nervously twiddled his thumbs.
“Of course we can,” you smiled at him, shuffling down. He pulled you gently, so you could lay your head on his chest, “Your so warm,” he hummed.
Kissing his chest softly, you smiled up at him, snuggling into his hold. “I’m sorry we don’t do this much I just … it’s hard, but I really like being like this with you.”
“I just don’t ever want you to think that I’m just with you for sex or just for the sake of having a partner. I love being close with you.”
“I love it too,” pressing another gentle kiss to skin, this time his chin. “You’re gonna get sick,” he said.
“That’s okay, you can look after me then.”
“That I can do, be ready for a solid week of cuddles.”
“Whatever will I do?” you laughed. The boy hummed, kissing your forehead. “I’m sorry you’re not very well.”
“It was worse when you weren’t there, I feel so much better now.”
“Mhm, I love being with you. I think I love you.”
“I think I love you too.”
In sync your faces broke into smiles, before Eddie winced, his head still sore. “Rest baby,” you said softly, “I’ll be right here when you wake up.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Thank you so much for reading!
A/N : I kind of want to write another instalment of Margot, let me know if you’d be interested 🫶🏻
Please leave any requests 🤍
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ladykailitha · 10 months ago
Slipping on my evil author gloves and cracking my knuckles before diving in!
It's post-season 4 (with the canon divergence of Eddie living) and Steve and Eddie are falling in love while they figure out how to destroy Vecna for good.
But there are moments when it's quiet at night Steve will hear someone shouting his name.
But it's always garbled like static over the walkie or shouts underwater. And every time Eddie pulls him close and whispers that it's just a nightmare. No one is calling him, everyone is safe.
They defeat Vecna and Eddie and Steve make plans to leave Hawkins together.
But when Steve arrives a little early at the trailer, he finds that Eddie was just going to slip away without telling him.
Eddie laughs. Tells him that no one wants him around. The kids will get driver's licenses and won't need rides anymore. Robin will run off with Nancy to Emerson and he'll be left all alone. Like he deserves to be.
But as Eddie starts laughing, Steve can hear the yelling again.
"Get the tape out his tape deck in his car!"
Steve is frowning. Who's tape deck?
Eddie notices the little confused frown and mockingly tells him that he was just too dim to notice that everyone secretly hated him.
Suddenly the air is filled with music.
Soldier boy, made of clay Now an empty shell Twenty one, only son But he served us well Bred to kill, not to care Do just as we say Finished here, greetings death He's yours to take away
Eddie's face transforms from mocking to enraged. His body starts shaking and convulsing. There is a strange after image and Steve takes a step back.
Vecna appears and Steve turns around. In the doorway of the trailer is the real Eddie and behind him is Steve's bedroom. He doesn't even look back, he starts running.
His back erupts in pain multiple lines burning all the way down.
Eddie walks into the Harrington mansion cautiously. He's never just strolled right in without Steve calling out to him.
But his car is here and none of the kids have heard from in 24 hours and even Robin is freaking out. Steve was supposed to work that morning, but never showed.
Two things that Steve would never do.
He starts searching the house but comes up empty. He's standing in the main hallway rubbing his chin when he hears it. Whimpering.
Eddie storms up the stairs and throws open the bedroom door. Steve is on the bed, complete asleep but clutching the sheets as he tosses and turns.
Eddie grabs the walkie and screams code red! And tells everyone to get their asses to Steve's ASAP.
Everyone who could get there arrives within minutes.
"I can't wake him!" Eddie screams as everyone stumbles into the bedroom.
Everyone tries what they can to wake him, but nothing.
Then El comes bursting through the door. "It's Vecna!"
"Why would Vecna target Steve?" Dustin asks and everyone glares at him. "What? I'm not saying he's not important or whatever, but..." he waves at El, Nancy, and Will. "Like."
Eddie growls and screams. "Get the tape out his tape deck in his car!" He turns to Robin. "Where does he keep his Walkman?"
Robin ran for his top drawer and handed it to him.
Dustin wasn't back yet.
"Dustin!" Robin screams as everyone else watches in silent vigil.
Dustin comes scrambling up the stairs and hands it to Eddie.
"Why is it a Metallica tape?" he says softly.
Eddie jams it into the Walkman and hits play. He places the headphones over Steve's ears and holds his hand as he waits. He was about to say he didn't care what the tape was when the song starts playing. The volume up as loud as it could be.
"Eddie?" El asks, tilting her head to the side.
Eddie and Dustin share a glance of just shattered emotions.
"It's called Disposable Heroes, El," Mike whispers.
Suddenly the air is still and growing stale with each passing moment as they all take in the meaning of that.
Then Steve comes to, gasping and crying. Suddenly he's covered in bodies as they all desperately try to hug him all at once.
Eddie gets close and whispers, "You are loved, Steve Harrington and tell Vecna he made a mistake targeting you. We will come for him with a fierceness like the of a fire storm."
El grins. "Done."
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love-byers · 5 months ago
debunking some anti byler arguments i've heard recently
"mike wasn't old enough to know how to navigate the fact that he was in love with el, so he just hid his feelings"
so mike is old enough to 1. fall in love at first sight and 2. KNOW that he's in love, but just not old enough to know how to navigate it? what age would you say a child gains the ability to know how to navigate love? also, what from mikes behavior supports that? there is no answer because he does nothing to lead the audience to think that. you're basing all of that off of what he says in s4. if you think mike is telling the truth in the monologue, you have to make massive assumptions that are hard to believe given his canon behavior for it to make sense. if you think mike is lying, you don't have to assume anything, because him lying would perfectly match his canon s1 behavior.
"he didn't recognize what he was feeling in the moment"
if you think that then you're admitting he lied in the monologue lol
"I knew right then and there in that moment that I loved you."
he knew. right then and there. in that moment.
unless...he didn't 💀
"he was downplaying his feelings for el so lucas and dustin wouldn't make fun of him"
downplaying your love for someone in order to not be made fun of = forming a plan to send the person you love away FOREVER so you can keep searching for your missing best friend so you won't have to face your love for them
yeah totally that makes perfect sense
"mike kept el at his house because he was afraid she'd be killed, it didn't have anything to do with will"
literally a flat out lie
this conversation was not even an hour after he supposedly realized he loves el:
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he was only concerned with getting her out in a way that wouldn't get him in trouble so he could go out and look for will again. that was his priority an hour after he realized he was in love with el? for real? and then the next morning he hadn't changed his mind at all and was still going to execute the plan.
then after he found out people were after her, yes he kept her, but that doesn't mean romance. that's kindness. he is very kind to el. he is a kind character who cares about people a great amount.
then later on when el points to will's picture:
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and when dustin and lucas arrive:
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he found out about the bad people first, but brought up will first. he wasn't freaking out demanding that she stay because he was scared for her life, he was convinced she was the key to finding will. IN. CANON.
then later in the season when lucas and mike are arguing over keeping el around:
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i'm not saying mike didn't care about el's safety, but his main reason for keeping her around is because he thinks she's the key to finding will. that's just canon. and if you think mike and wills relationship is solely platonic on mikes side, this shouldn't threaten you. if mike doesn't have feelings for will, then why can't he care for both of them at the same time? why must you *prove* that mike didn't care about will as much as we say?
it's because even you guys can see that writing mike that way AND writing will to be in love him only points to one ending, isn't it....
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 1 year ago
I was wondering if you could do a really sweet "reunion" between Eddie and his gf in the cafeteria. Like, maybe she had to go to the dentist in the morning so they haven't seen each other all day, and Eddie is all grumpy and snappy with the Hellfire guys and Dustin is like "what's the matter with him? Wake up in the wrong side?" and Jeff replies "woke up with no Y/N is more like it" and then she comes into the cafeteria and they behave like they haven't seen each other for months 😊
Request by @somethingvicked
Warnings: Grumpy Eddie, Fluff.
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Eddie was in one hell of a bad mood. You had to leave early this morning for the dentist, which meant he woke up without you.
Not only had he woken up without you this morning, there was no sleepy morning kisses and cuddles.
You weren't cuddled up on his chest when he woke up, the two of you exchanging sleepy, kisses and whispers of love. Your morning ritual.
He hated going without his morning kisses from you. It was the best start to the day, his highlight of the day.
Everyone around Hawkins thought he was mean and scary as shit but you knew the soft side to him, with you he was as soft as a marshmallow.
Wayne takes one look at his pissed off face and hides his smile behind his coffee mug as Eddie heads into the kitchen for breakfast.
"In a mood this morning son?" Wayne asks amused.
Eddie grumbles and pours some coffee into his Garfield mug.
"What gave it away? " he replies sarcastically and Wayne chuckles.
"Saw your girl leave early this morning for her appointment, I figure that's why you're like a storm cloud just now?" Eddie nods and finishes his coffee wincing at the taste.
This is why he prefers a YooHoo but this morning was already shit so extra strong, black coffee it was.
His mood didn't improve in school, it got worse, Carver said some dumb shit to him, Eddie usually ignored the asshole but today he wound him up, just to cheer himself up.
As usual the douchebag went running to the safety of his friends. He knew Jason was secretly terrified of him, he backed down fast.
Being a freak had has its advantages.
By noon, he was grumpy as fuck, the constant chatter between the boys was getting on his last nerve.
"Jesus h christ. Would you shut the fuck up" he huffs at them as they chat.
Gareth snorts. "What's up with you man?"
"Nothing" he snaps and continues to eat his pretzels, he's impatient to see you. Being around you helps the chaos of his mind, calms down his restless energy.
He loves being with you-loves you so much.
Dustin turns to him, eyes wide and he chuckles nervously.
"What is up with you dude? Wake up on the wrong side of bed this morning or something?" Jeff snorts at this and Eddie glares at him.
"Woke up with no yn more like" Jeff supplies and Eddie huffs, a pout on his face and his annoyance growing. It's true but its not helping his mood.
"Dude, you're so whipped" Mike makes a face and Eddie is barely listening as you come into the cafeteria, his heart skips a beat and he grins.
"Princess" he gets up and rushes to you, he's like an overexcited puppy as he is all over you. Peppering kisses to your hair and his pout is replaced with a huge beaming grin.
"I missed you so so much sweetheart. I don't like waking up without you beside me" he murmurs and you cuddle into him.
"I missed you too Ed's. Ugh, I hate the dentist" you say this with a pout on your face, the pout that pretty much has Eddie wrapped around your little finger.
If you give him that sad eyed look too, he's a goner.
"At least it's over with now sweetheart, Are you sore?" he asks worried as you wince, touching your mouth.
"A little, at least my very sexy boyfriend can help me feel better" he hears Gareth and Mike teasing him about this, turns and gives them a fierce glare, that stops them in their tracks.
"Anything for you princess" he kisses your forehead and leads you to the Hellfire table, he's much much happier now his girl is by his side.
He'll happily dote on you all night when you go home.
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morganski-19 · 9 months ago
Chills Right to the Marrow Part 14
part 1, prev part
Dustin walks down the halls of the school. Just trying to get to his next class without anyone noticing. Watching as the eyes of his classmates follow him, waiting for him to do something. It was the same for the other Hellfire members, the same for Mike and Lucas. For Will and El as they were transferred back into the school.
Everyone wanted to know what they did, but no one really wanted them there. They were freaks. outcasts. Blind followers of the devil or whatever shit they believed. None of it was true, but they didn’t care. No one could tell them what was true even if they wanted to.
All he could do was take it and act like it didn’t bother him. He was an outcast before all this started. That was obvious. But he could still pretend that there were other people out there that might want to be his friend. Might actually like him.
Now he’s left with the fact that the only people that do are sitting at this lunch table with him. Shoved in the corner so no one has to think about them. While the insults are thrown around as words or balls of paper. Eddie’s wanted signs still plastered around the school. A new one taped to his locker each morning.
Didn’t matter that he was innocent. Didn’t matter that Hopper held a fucking press conference to make sure the town knew it. Once an opinion is formed, it’s not so easily broken. Eddie’s had opinions made about him his whole life. He couldn’t even catch a break in almost death.
In his nightmare, Dustin pictures Eddie’s name carved into a gravestone. Overshadowed with words sprayed over the engraving. Branding his final resting place with his burned legacy.
Forever a freak, never a hero.
“How’s Eddie doing?” Jeff asks across the table. They haven’t gone to see Eddie since the first week.
Dustin said it didn’t bother him, but it did. They gave him up, put Eddie in danger. Now their stuck in a puddle of their own guilt that they can’t find a way out of. Eddie was struggling to live, and they couldn’t even try to come and visit him more than once. And they were his best friends.
“He’s doing better,” Lucas supplies. Making Dustin bite his tongue.
They don’t deserve to know it.
“That’s good,” Gareth says while stabbing his food. The guilt still ripe in his eyes. He can’t even look at Dustin. Knowing that he didn’t just give Eddie up, he gave Dustin up too. “The band hasn’t been the same without him.”
“You’ve been practicing without him,” Dustin spits.
The table freezes. Everyone looking at Dustin. Either with surprise or pleas to let it go. Lucas especially.
None of them understand. None of them were there. It was just Dustin and Eddie on that trailer. It was Dustin that Eddie chose to risk his life for. They aren’t burdened by that. None of them know what it’s like to be burdened by that.
“Yeah, we have,” Jeff slowly answers. “We have a gig coming up, can’t just cancel it.”
“So, you’re just going to play it without Eddie then?” Dustin can hear the anger in his voice. Watches as it makes them flinch.
“It’s not like we want to,” Grant adds. Not helping. “He just . . . wouldn’t want us to cancel it.”
Dustin bites his cheek so hard it’s threatening to break skin. “But he would want you to betray him?”
Gareth stumbles to find his words. “You weren’t there. Jason wasn’t going to let up if we didn’t tell him-.”
“You could have lied,” Dustin yells. Noticing how the cafeteria quiets for a moment before rumble of voices resume. “You didn’t have to single me out. Tell me Eddie would have wanted that.”
He didn’t give them the chance to. He slings his backpack onto his back so hard it slams into him. Picking up his lunch tray and dumping what’s left in the trash. Slamming it into the pile before walking out into the empty hall. Not caring if he gets detention.
The door opens again behind him.
“Dustin,” Lucas calls out to him. Jogging slightly to catch up.
“I’m don’t need this right now.” Dustin continues walking down the hall.
Lucas gets in front of him, making him stop. “I get that you’re angry,” he tries to reason, “but that doesn’t mean you can just lash out at anyone you feel like.”
“So you think what they did was ok? I don’t have a right to be mad at them for stabbing both Eddie and me in the back?”
Dustin got over being angry at Lucas fast. Knowing that with his lie, he saved them all some time. Was only with the guys on the basketball team because of pressure. The rest didn’t have that excuse.
“No, I don’t think it was ok. But you weren’t there when Jason jumped them. He had Gareth on the ground with his fists ready. What was he supposed to do?”
The anger inside him is rising again. “Not put a target on my back,” he echoes through the hallway. “He put all of us in danger just because he couldn’t think of a lie. I’ve thought of a thousand lies in the middle of danger. It’s not that hard.”
“And Gareth’s not you. He’s not used to this stuff like we are.”
Maybe he’s not. But still, if Dustin was completely new to this, pinned down by someone much larger than him and given a choice, he would never choose to betray his friend. Without a doubt in his mind.
“Are you really that mad they’re still practicing,” Lucas asks when Dusting stops talking. “Life doesn’t stop just because people we love are in the hospital.”
Lucas finally found the right nerve.
“He almost died, Lucas. Life almost stopped for him.”
“I know. But that doesn’t mean-.”
Dustin cuts him off. “He died right in front of me. Do you know what that feels like? Holding someone as they die, being helpless to it.”
“I do,” Lucas cries. A thin line of tears forming in his eyes. “Max died for a few seconds before waking up again. The only reason she’s here is because El restarted her heart.”
Dustin suddenly feels horrible. “You didn’t tell me that.”
“Of course, I didn’t.” Lucas crosses his arms. “You were so focused on Eddie, and I knew it was killing you inside. I thought it would have been easier for you if you didn’t know the full story.”
“I’m sorry,” Dusting whispers. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you. You just seemed to be taking it better than I was.”
Lucas takes a deep breath. “Max is blind. She’ll never see me again, not in the way she used to. I miss the color if her eyes.” He blinks away tears with another breath. “One of my friends is still in a coma, my sister is terrified, and I had a gun held to my head. Does that sound like I’m ok?”
Dustin shakes his head, feeling sheepish. “No, it doesn’t.”
“We’re all going through something, Dustin. It’s better if we stay together than force each other apart.”
He can’t find any reason to disagree with him. Dustin takes a few steps towards Lucas, the anger completely dissipated. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”
Lucas nods, smacking Dustin’s shoulder. “I am too.”
Next Part
tag list, let me know if you want to be added or removed: @the-they-who-nerded, @insteviewetrust, @croatoan-like-its-hot, @jettestar,
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@gregre369, @n0-1-important, @different-tale-student, @spectrum-spectre, @tartarusknight,
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@greeniebean911, @cr0w-culture, @stillfullofshit, @connected-dots, @daisynotquake,
@morgannotlefay, @a-little-unsteddie, @dolphincliffs, @maskofmirrors, @me-and-my-sloth,
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t-folklore13 · 3 months ago
Curly hair - Eddie Munson
18+ MDNI
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Warnings: insecurity, overthinking, ridiculous amount of fluff
Summary: you straighten your hair for the first time to impress Eddie
Not proofread!
Friends to lovers
I wake up in the morning and remember what Eddie had said to me the last time I saw him “your hair is so curly” I know it was supposed to be a compliment but for some reason that voice in my head was telling me all the worst things, that he actually meant it in a bad way like it’s too curly, too big
I look over at the time and see that it’s four am. I’m wide awake so might as well do something to get ready, as I get in the shower I stare at my mousse and my moms hair straightener
Contemplating the time I take a super fast shower making sure all the soap is out of my hair and blow dry, After an hour and a half it’s finally done my hair is straight and I feel excited to see Eddies reaction to it,
Going downstairs my mom shrieks “Omg honey! You straightened your hair!” I pour cereal and shrug “yeah I had the time and haven’t done it in a while” grabbing my hair she rakes her hands through it “oh it’s so beautiful I’m sure Eddie will love it” my eyebrows shoot up and I almost choke
“Eddie? What are you talking about” laughing she puts away the box and starts walking to the front door “I think you forget I was a teenager with curly hair too” I smile and grab my bag rushing to follow her
Getting out of the car I sling my bag over my shoulder and start waking to the entrance when I see robin “hey did you know we have a quiz tomorrow because-“ she stops and stares at me jaw dropped “Your hair is straight!” I laugh and she, like my mom grabs my hair “oooh eddies gonna freak” I roll my eyes and smile “why does everyone think I did this for Eddie maybe I just wanted a change”
“If you wanted a change you would’ve called me first and we would’ve been on the phone so long it would be too late for a change so this was a last minute decision made for a certain someone” I huff knowing she’s right and we start walking to Clicks class, “hey nice hair” I look back and see max rushing up to us
“Thanks red I did it-“ robin cuts in loudly “for Eddie she did it for Eddie” hitting her I scoff “what I was going to say was I did it this morning” max shakes her head “I was gonna say it looks sick but I gotta go talk to mike about el hanging with me I hope Eddie likes it” my shoulders dropping I laugh yelling down the hall “that’s not why I did it!” She laughs yelling back “sure!”
Finally getting to clicks class me and rob sit down when I hear a bubbly voice behind us “Hey I love your hair today” I turn and see Chrissy Cunningham “oh uh thanks Chrissy I like yours too” she smiles and sits next to Jason “okay I know she’s nice but that was kinda weird don’t you think” I shrug “kinda but hey let’s see how many people actually notice”
Not even five minutes pass when I hear “hey robin oh my your hair is so pretty it must’ve taken ages!” I look up and see “strawberry” which is what robin calls Vicky when she rants about her “oh thanks Vic!” She smiles and robins jaw drops “okay I woke up extra early to not look stupid today and all she says is hi but you straighten your hair and she talks to you longer then she’s talked to me”
I rub her arm and smile “if it makes you feel better she ls staring at you right now” she smiles and turns bright red “shut up”
Four class periods and ten compliments from people I’ve never talked to which I guess is nice but the only person I want to hear it from is Eddie walking to lunch I see Dustin and Mike and they walk past me which is really weird till I hear there conversation stop, I turn around and so do they when they erupt with questions “Omg I didn’t even recognize you your hair looks so cool how did you do it? Did it take a long time?”
“Thank you dusty but I just straightened it” Mike interjects with pushing him to the side before he can ask anymore questions “woah eddies gonna freak” I laugh and touch my hair “everyone’s been saying that but what if he hates it”
“No way if we like it then he will too!” My nerves calm down with Dustin’s point when we see Will “Dude I didn’t even know that was you I thought some new girl that didn’t know any better was talking to these two” he gestures to them and laughs “it looks so cool but I’m starving so let’s go eat
Walking into the cafeteria I see Eddie but he’s reading some magazine probably about how d&d is for satinets, walking up he looks up for a second and is about to look back down when he snaps his head up, he looks confused almost sad but why would he? “Hey Ed’s watchu reading?”
“Oh um just something about d&d did you get food? It’s mystery meat today” I laugh but feel all the doubt rushing back and want to cry when Gareth and Lucas walk up “woah cool hair man are you tryna go popular on us?” I smile feeling a bit better at gareths comment “no I just felt like I need a change for a few days” Lucas smiles and nods understanding what I’m saying since Erica does it all the time
“It looks really pretty don’t you agree Eddie?” We all look at him and he smiles “oh uh yeah you look beautiful” he looks right back down and the boys look at each other confused, the way he said it made it sound like he was confused or he just genuinely didn’t care I start to spiral a bit and stand up “hey I um I gotta go” I smile at Lucas with tears in my eyes as I’m walking away I hear
“Dude what the hell you made her cry” a chair skidding across the floor is the last thing I hear when I close the door, trying to find the closet empty classroom, I find the hellfire room and rush in finally breaking down
I hear the door open and close looking up I see Eddie “hey sweetheart I’m so sorry” he sits down next to me on the floor and holds me “I’m so sorry your hair really is beautiful I really do like it” sniffling I wipe my eyes and look at him “then why are you acting like you don’t care I’ve gotten so many compliments today and I was most excited for your reaction but you didn’t even care”
“But I do care I care so much that’s why I had that reaction” now im really confused “I was thinking about it what i said yesterday about your hair I meant it in a good your really fucking beautiful way and when you came to school with your hair straight I thought maybe you did it because of what I said and I was quiet because I felt like such a dick” sighing really deep and wrap my arms around him
“I love you Eddie but that really hurt me” he kisses my forehead and rubs my back “I’m so sorry I just really love your natural hair I love the way it curls and how pretty it is because you looks so beautiful” I smile and look at him “do you really mean that?”
“Yes I do and please believe me when I say you are so beautiful right now as well” I sit up a bit and look at him then his lips “Eddie I think your pretty-“ he cuts me off with a kiss and holds the back of my head “so pretty” I smile and kiss him again a bit slower this time “is this the part where you ask me out and we skip school?”
“Yes” he grabs my hand pulling me up and we rush out the door before the lunch bell rings
As robin is helping me get ready for my date I look at myself and smile seeing my curly hair again “as much as I liked your straight hair this is so much more you” I hug her and hear the front door open “oh god my mom is gonna scare him away” we laugh and run downstairs
Eddie looks right at me and smiles “hey there’s my girl you all ready to go?” I hug him and nod “let’s go before my mom threatens you” he laughs and we walk to the van “I want her back eventually!”
“Okay robin will do!” He opens the door for me and I climb in laughing while he jogs around the van “hey sweetheart? I really love your hair” I smile and we drive away
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hrts4eddieee · 8 months ago
Wrong room
Eddie munson x femreader!
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Not proof read sorry (:
summary! you are a new girl at Hawkins high and walk into the wrong room, meeting eddie and the hellfire club, it changes ur Highschool years and life for good.
warnings: course language, slight drug mention use of y/n
hawkins Indiana 1986
New place, new town, new people so unavoidably that means…new school.
you try to calm yourself down as you walk into the entry doors of your new school, your parents thought a change of pace might help you, you don’t know why the world isn’t going to be any different in the small town of Hawkins, you have a history of panicking, panicking might be an understatement but that’s okay.
you walk forward pushing the doors open immediately surrounded by teens running around, people yelling, making out, fighting, an all in one hell hole. You shake your head as you make your way to the principals office. the principal hands you your time table of classes along with wishing you good luck on your first day.
“Eddie” Dustin shouts running up to him in the hall, Eddie spins around surprised at hearing his name Dustin jumps on his back, both boys laughing as Dustin falls back onto him feet “jeez Henderson what drugs have you snorted this morning” Eddie teases jabbing him in the side, dustin rolls his eyes “none actually you smartass buttttttt” Dustin looks at Eddie wide eyes that are full of excitement “c’mon spit it out” Eddie sighs”there’s a new girl in your grade today” he stumbles out quickly Eddie shrugs at him looking confused eyebrows knitted together “okay why would I care, it’s not like she will ever speak to us anyway dustin” Eddie says Grabbing his tin lunchbox out of his locker Dustin shakes his head “it could be different this time” he says with a huge smile on his face, Eddie raises his eyebrows “I doubt it, anyways I’ve gotta go meet someone I’ll see you later shithead” Eddie says giving dustin a quick salute and walking off with a wink.
lunchtime. great. you walk into the cafeteria full of shouting people, making your way to a table by yourself you don’t bother getting food, instead you decide to open your book burring your head into it escaping the current reality you are in. your nose is stuck in your book for about 10 minutes before you head a loud crash making you jump and look up, you seen a long haired boy stand on the blue table he was eating at, he mentions something about party’s and basketball to a blonde haired boy in a varsity jacket “freak” the blonde one says to him, he doesn’t seem to mind putting devil horns Above his head with his tongue out at him before walking back and plotting back in his seat, you giggle to yourself at their whole interaction
that boy seems fun.
it is last period and you have Mrs. Odonallds class, you try to find your way to the room but you still have your head down in your book not wanting to talk to anyone, you smile to yourself thinking you have found the room, you push on the door.
“WHAT NO WE KILLED VECNA YOU DIPSHIT” Mike yells to Eddie while he cackles to himself the boys around him uproaring into fits of rage “so it was thought everyone so it was thought but vecna”
the door opens cutting eddie off.
all the boys go silent as their heads turn to the door in frustration thinking it’s a teacher or some jock asshole coming to make fun of them but to their surprise they see a girl walk in with her head in a book, Eddie looks around to look at the boys for answer but everyone looks just as confused as he does, dustin is whispering in mikes ear but he ignores it, she begins to walk forward into the room
“WOAH woah woah” Eddie shouts out to you, you look up from your book for the first time they have layed their eyes on you freezing in your tracks “oh” you say simply, “uhhh yeah hi can we help you book worm” garath pipes out venom on his tounge making you cringe in embarrassment “hay watch your tone” Eddie looks at him narrowing his eyes, Eddie’s not sure why he jumps to defend you he doesn’t know you, but the moment he met your eyes he felt something, maybe you were just pretty he thought but it was something. “Hi I’m Eddie, can we help you sweetheart” he ask sweetly with a grin on his face, your stomach flips at the nickname you are silent for a moment as you realise the boy with long curly hair, ring coverd fingers, is the boy who made a scene in the cafeteria earlier, “oh uh yeah I’m uh I’m y/n I’m so sorry I’m actually looking for Mrs. Odonallds class but I’m gonna guess this is not the class” you Sutter out with a nervous chuckle that actually comes across as a sigh eddie smile jumping up from his throne
a throne really…you think
he walks up to you “ah yes Mrs. Odonallds class I’m meant to be there right now but shh, well I could walk you to the class and you could sit in literal burning depths of hell that is Mrs. Odonallds, or you could stay here with us for the last bit of school then I could show you around Hawkins after school, might be less of a hell” he offers you, he talks with his hands alot you take a mental note of it, you look behind his shoulder to the group of boys who are now in a mindless conversation about god knows what then back to Eddie who’s still grinning infront of you, you toss up the offer for a while before speaking, “well eddie I’m not to sure that skipping class is a good look on my first day” you tease him he laughs leaning down so his lips are at your ear “no probably not” he whispers into your ear , his breath against your neck sending shivers up your spine, you smirk up at him “where would I sit” you ask Pointing to all the seats that are taken up by the group he looks back at the chairs with you he tuts “ahhhhhh with me” he says expanding his arm to reveal his throne you giggle and eddie swears it’s the most adorable thing that has ever Priced his ears “okay then, what is this anyways” you ask nodding at him “this would be the one saving grace of this world it is D&D” he says over exaggerating his words, he puts one hand behind his back while the other come out in front of you “now c’mon ma’lady” he smiles you smile back at him slapping your hand down to mkre this enclosing your hands in a tight grip as he leads you both to his throne, sitting down before you he gestures for you to sit on his lap, before you do you turn and realise the conversation has come to a complete stop everyone ogiling you, you get very nervous cheeks getting hot, “Eddie what the fuck since when did you let anyone sit on in our sessions, especially a random girl” Mike spits out at him sounding much more angry then he probably realises you let go of Eddie’s hand cheeks now bright red and burning “oh I’m so sorry I’ll leave enjoy your game guys” you say softly it coming as a squeak more then a sentence you go to walk away but you feel Eddie’s hand grip your wrist pulling you back towards him and dragging you to sit on his lap, “hay watch yourself, if I say she can stay she can, do you understand me” it comes out with so much venom that Mike immediately rolls his eyes and zips his lips slumping his back into his chair, “now let’s continue everyone” Eddie states as you open your book back up and the boys start their wild conversations and antics again.
your not sure why you decied to stay with the random long haired boy and his friends maybe its the fear of having no friends, or being alone at your new school, but under that you know there is something thar draws you to the boy that makes your heart beat faster makes you feel comfort, your not sure how thats possiable as you met him…10 minutes ago but none the less you find yourself snuggled up into his lap listening to him speak a smile plasterd on your face the entire time.
eddie doesnt know why he asked you to even stay, mikes right he hates it when people watch but with you its different maybe its because the unfamiliar feeling of a girl speaking to him clouded his judgement but no, he knows its something deeper then that, the second your eyes met he felt something he doesnt know what but all he knows is that he hasnt felt it with anyone else before and all he wants is you around him also not to mention, all he can think about while your in his lap is how beautiful you are not knowing a girl could ever hold this amount of beauty.
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lisbeth-kk · 8 months ago
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Sherlock fandom. (TW: domestic violence)
Building Walls
Both had been scared as boys. John of the dark, Sherlock of the light. 
John’s vivid imagination made up monsters under the bed and kidnappers in the woods around the tent when the Watsons went camping. 
“Fear is a weakness,” John’s father growled when his son was shaking and sobbing, terrified of the horrors of the darkness around him.
The solution was to beat the fear out of John while using spite words like coward, squeamish, queer, faggot, weak.
It took some time before it worked. For every stroke from his father’s hand or belt, John’s protecting wall was reinforced with a new brick, until his father was satisfied, and John’s fear had dissipated. So it seemed anyway.
Sherlock was a night owl from an early age but was forced to live in the light where others could see his aberrant behaviour. His cousins, aunts and uncles all called him freak, queer, weak, abnormal.
He just wanted to be left alone with his experiments, which he preferred to conduct in the dark hours.
“Fearing the light is a sickness,” his mother told him, and caught him in an iron grip before he could abscond and ordered him to sit in the conservatory with her and his cousins for hours.
When he finally was released, his head throbbed, his eyes stung, and he felt bone tired. He cried when he woke in the morning, realising that he’d been too exhausted to escape sleep.
“You must not let them see your weakness, brother mine,” Mycroft advised him, so Sherlock built a wall around himself and called it his Mind Palace.
In the dark Afghan desert, John met many soldiers who were afraid of what they could not see, and with good reason. He knew he should be terrified, and deep down he was, but he had a responsibility as a captain. His wall was strong and didn’t crack until a bullet came out of the velvet night and found his shoulder.
Back in the radiant city that was London, John’s wall crumbled. His mind was a dark hole even if he was surrounded by light.
“Nothing ever happens to me,” became a mantra he lived by, until he met Mike Stamford, and later Sherlock Holmes.
The brief and totally ridiculous encounter in the lab at Barts, lifted a vail, and a glimpse of sunshine entered John’s mind.
For years Sherlock lived in the blissful darkness, but people still interfered and made his life miserable. His mother and brother in particular. So, he sought out company that at first was a relief, but later put him on the path towards addiction and destruction.
Stumbling over Greg Lestrade’s crime scene, high as a kite, but still capable of observing and deducing what had happened, saved Sherlock’s life. For the first time in years, someone was interested in the knowledge he possessed; signs that a victim had been poisoned, different traces of mud or ash. 
“Get clean, and I’ll call you when we’re out of our depths,” Lestrade said.
Mycroft probably ensured Lestrade’s promotion after that, when Sherlock explained, and begged Mycroft to take him to rehab.
The incongruous scale Sherlock used to categorise the crimes Lestrade called him about, wasn’t all about how interesting a case was, but had more to do with the time of day. Only a serial killer could make Sherlock attend a crime scene in broad daylight. The darkness was his friend, and his dramatic persona thrived and added mystery to it all when he whirled around in his beloved Belstaff and polished Italian shoes.
John was like the sun and should frighten Sherlock with his warmth and incandescence. Instead, Sherlock felt an instant calmness fall over him when his fingers brushed John’s as he took the phone John offered him the day they met. 
John’s fear of the dark night vanished when he saw Sherlock together with Jeff Hope, and his hand was steady when he shot the awful cabbie.
Sherlock’s case scale suddenly changed, and he and John turned up at crime scenes at all hours, even when the sun shone bright and clear.
The only fear they had left, was losing each other.
@flashfictionfridayofficial @totallysilvergirl @keirgreeneyes @calaisreno @helloliriels
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thehorrorgirlstyles · 7 months ago
Opposites attract
Part 4
Eddie Munson x fem!reader
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Find P3 Here!
Warnings: 18+ smut, male masturbation, degradation!kink, pet names, cussing, squirting, little bit of praise!kink, derogatory words, harassment, bullying, public sex, some breeding kink, dry humping
(Note warnings are for the SERIES not the specific chapter)!!!
Minors don’t interact!
Summary: Eddie helps you through a hard time by giving you the treatment you deserve in more than one way...
Recap: Eddie and you moved one step further after your ex boyfriend lashed out on you at the party, things finally getting steamy after longing for Eddie!!!
It has been a week since you've seen or heard from Jason. Your mom tells you that he has come by every morning before school to talk to you, but you refuse to ever see him again, telling your mom that you're too sick to talk. Little does she know that you've been sneaking in Eddie Munson every night through your bedroom window, which in your defense is totally valid. With Eddie there you feel save instead of worrying that Jason will come in the middle of the night to KILL you....totally not for the reason of you being horny or anything. I mean honestly it isn't your fault it's Eddie's for being so irresistible. How everyone at school thinks he is a freak will forever be questionable to you. How it took you so long to realize your feelings for Eddie is also questionable.
Today is the day you have been draining for your mom is forcing you to go back to school, she bought the sickness for a week, but she's over the lies now.
"Y/n you're not pulling this again honey it has been a week and your friends and boyfriend are worried about you....Do you know how many times Jason has called this house?" she points to the phone that has been ringing for the past hour. Does this guy ever give up?
"Mom please I really am sick, I swear...Check my temp".
"No, you're going to school and that's final, even if I have to drive you myself".
It's your first day back after missing school in your final attempt to avoid bumping into Jason, which you hope will never happen again, considering the guy literally hit you and you've been covering it up with makeup. Everyone still thinks you and Jason are together, not knowing that the past week you've been going out after your mom leaves to visit a certain curly head.
"Hey y/n, where have you been are you okay?" Robin finds you by your locker, "You know it's unlike you to miss this many days and in a row too...Oh and you will not believe it Chance and Chrissy totally slept together at Tina's party...Speaking of which where did you run off to?.. Also the girl from band sh-"
"Robin!" you cut her off, "Please can I just put my books away first and then I'll answer all of your questions I promise".
"Oh yeah your right, I'm sorry...there's just so much to talk about and you've missed so much and we have been worried, but also I'm excited your back because I really need your help with something, oh and Jason he-"
You slam your locker shut, giving her a look.
"Sorry" she shuts up.
"Look, all you need to know is that I will not be seeing Jason anymore" You smile at her and walk towards your class.
As your walking you spot Eddie lecturing Dustin and Mike, "Look you either find a replacement or I'll personally hunt you down myself, Vecna isn't the one you should be worried about little ones" You overhear him say when he looks up and spot you walking his way.
He moves Dustin to the side to get to you, "Hey, there you are", he says smiling at you, "M'lady" he kisses your hand and bows.
"Why thank you kind sir" you play into it and curtsey back.
He pulls you to the side and lowers his voice, "Hey how are you doing, you know being back and everything, I swear if Jason even dares to speak to you I wi-"
You cut him off, "Eddie I'm fine I swear and besides you have definitely been taking good care of me" you wink at him.
He smiles, his eyes darkening "I haven't even showed you the best part" He moves you closer to him, leaning in to kiss you.
"Well isn't this a surprise" you back away and find Jason standing behind Eddie, your smile dropping. Eddie's grip on your waist tightens. "Well don't stop on my account, please continue", He speaks loudly starting to clap.
"Hey man you better leave us alone before I-", he interrupts Eddie, "Before you what, Sleep with my girlfriend, inflict her with your devil worshipping cult..I mean come on freak there's only so much you can do until someone might retaliate and do something back....Oh wait maybe someone already did" he points behind him to the trash which beholds Eddie's guitar broken into pieces the strings standing up.
"Eddie" I look at him to see him in shock not moving or saying anything, completely heartbroken. "Jason!" He stops laughing, "This is too far even for you, Eddie has spent hours saving up for that guitar, you're a fucking asshole" You stomp towards him and punch him in the face.
"OH MY GOD I think my nose is broken", blood streams from his face as he screams out, "YOU FUCKING BITCH YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS Y/N, YOU HEAR ME YOU SLUT, I WILL KILL YOU AND THAT FUCKING FREAK!" you hear him yell as you grab Eddie's hand and run down the hall. So much for a first day back...
NOTE: I'M SO SORRY THIS WAS RUSHEDDDD! I'm starting college so it might take me a few days to post again, I'm trying to get out as many stories as I can, but I may be a little busy with life..... PLEASE BE PATIENT< THANK YOU :))))
Part 5 will be posted soon.... AND WILL BE PURE SMUT FINALLYYYYYYYYYY
last part??? Maybe.....
Tagslist: @itzkawaiix, @lotrefcp, @morganlolitta, @angelluv111, @dreamerjj, @littlemissnightmare, @biijancaposts, @josephquinnsfreckles, @skyesthebomb, @fandom-princess-forevermore
As always I hoped you enjoyed!
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sidekick-hero · 9 months ago
My heart's desire: you
(steddie | 1.7k | mature | written for @steddie-week day 3: holding me by Warlock | AO3)
Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-Season/Series 04, Eddie Munson as Kas the Betrayer (Dungeons & Dragons), Monster Eddie Munson, Protective Eddie Munson, Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, Eddie Munson Needs a Hug
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Eddie never expected much from life, if he was honest.
Sure, once upon a time he had dreams. Big ones. Go to LA, become a rock star, leave this shithole of a town behind. Find his people, a place where he belonged. Not a freak, but someone worthy.
Deep down he didn't really believe they would come true - not for people like him - but it was nice to have them. They helped him fall asleep at night and even more to get up in the morning.
All those dreams bit the dust when he did. The dead don't dream, right?
It's just that he's not exactly dead. But he's not alive either. So what does that mean for his dreams?
He doesn't sleep anymore. Doesn't need to. Sometimes he manages to drift, his body completely still while his mind is somewhere else.
But when that happens, he's not dreaming. He just remembers.
Remembers his mama and how she used to dance around the house with him to Elvis or Roy Orbison. Blue Bayou was her favorite.
Remembers his father's pale face as he left Eddie behind, running from the law while Eddie stayed behind to take the fall, just because he couldn't let a cop bleed to death because of his father's schemes.
Remembers Wayne, his gruff voice and warm hugs. His unconditional love and unwavering support. The one person who always believed in him, who gave him a home and a family when Eddie had nothing.
Remembers practicing his songs with the boys and endless afternoons filled with music and campaigns and laughter. His own little corner of the world where he was free to be himself, loud and unapologetic.
Remembers Dustin and Mike and Lucas and Erica. Red and Buckley and Wheeler. Their fierce determination, their selflessness, their love for one another. He had been helpless but to join them, even when everything inside him screamed to run, to hide, to never look back.
Most of the time, though, he remembers Steve. Which should be weird, since they only spent a week together, him running from an angry mob, Steve helping him while also trying to save the world. Sure, he remembers the looks they shared, the touches, the pet names, and the flirting. But it was stolen time, stolen moments without real substance - the reckless abundance of someone who never expected to make it out alive.
He didn't. And yet here he stands, hidden among the trees surrounding the Harrington estate, watching Steve through the windows of his kitchen as he makes himself a sandwich.
It's not the first night he's spent like this, and it won't be the last.
Ever since he clawed his way out of the Upside Down, he's been watching over them. His friends, he thinks. They had been his friends. When he was still human. Can you still have friends when you're not alive, or are they like dreams, out of reach when your skin grows cold and your lungs stop breathing?
He doesn't know. All he knows is that when he came back different, wrong, he still had his memories. He remembers the love and affection he once had for them. That's why he watches over them, he tells himself. Because he had loved them once.
A few months ago, when the portals to the Upside Down were wide open, everyone had gathered here at Steve's, so Eddie had been there, too. Not inside the house, of course, but watching. Guarding it.
Not being alive makes him almost invincible. He has claws on his hands and fangs in his mouth. He's faster and stronger than ever. Any monster that tried to sneak up on them was killed in seconds, a few minutes at most. Soon they didn't even try anymore.
It's as if they somehow know that Eddie is the strongest predator around, and that these humans are his.
They defeated Vecna in the end, closing the gates once and for all.
And Eddie is still here. Still not alive.
Still watching over Steve, with the full moon above him and the warm late summer wind blowing through his hair. The clouds covering the moon provide enough cover for him to come closer, still hidden in the darkness as he continues to watch.
Time feels strange sometimes, but he thinks he has been watching Steve for as long as he can remember.
A lonely boy with strawberry blond hair, waiting to be picked up from preschool long after everyone else has left. A gangly teenager on his first day of middle school, looking lost and alone again. The same boy, taller now, finally filling out his form, sun-kissed skin and windswept hair. Popular, attractive, but still lonely deep inside.
The Eddie he had once been had been intrigued by Steve Harrington. The boy had been an enigma, even more so when Dustin and Lucas, and sometimes even Mike, sang his praises as if he were their greatest hero. And then he had seen again and again how badass Steve was, how brave and self-sacrificing. How much he was willing to give for the people he considered his own.
Back when his heart was still beating, it had been beating for Steve. Can you still love someone when your heart is no longer beating?
Eddie doesn't have an answer to that question. All he knows is that the sight of Steve brings a warmth he can almost feel, a flicker of something that might have been hope if he still had the capacity for it. And for now, that flicker is enough to keep him watching, night after night, hidden in the shadows.
Tonight, however, something feels different. Eddie watches as Steve steps out of the kitchen, his eyes scanning the darkness, almost as if he senses a presence. Eddie tenses, ready to retreat further into the shadows, but something holds him back.
Steve takes a few hesitant steps towards the edge of the property, his gaze unwavering. "I know you're out there," he calls softly, his voice carrying a blend of fear and determination. "I don't know who or what you are, but I know you're watching."
Eddie's breath catches—or it would have, if he still breathed. He remains still, his eyes fixed on Steve, who continues to inch closer. The moonlight breaks through the clouds, casting a silver glow over the yard, and Steve's eyes widen as they meet Eddie's.
"Eddie?" Steve whispers, disbelief and something else, something Eddie can’t place, coloring his tone. "Is that really you?"
For a moment, Eddie considers fleeing. Every fiber of his being screams at him to retreat into the safety of the shadows. To hide his monstrous self. But the look in Steve's eyes, the raw mixture of hope and sorrow, roots him to the spot. He steps forward, emerging from the shadows, his form illuminated by the moonlight. "Hello, Steve," he replies, his voice rough from disuse. "I'm... different now, so you be the judge if it's still me."
Steve stares, taking in Eddie's altered appearance—the fangs, the claws, the otherworldly aura. Yet, despite the changes, there's something unmistakably Eddie in his eyes. "How?" Steve asks, his voice breaking. "How is this possible?"
Eddie shakes his head. "I don't know. I woke up in the Upside Down after you all left, not alive but not dead either and clawed my way outta there. I've been watching over you, all of you, ever since."
Steve takes another step closer, his hand reaching out tentatively. "But… Why didn't you come to us? We thought you were gone. I - We missed you. Dustin -"
"I didn't know if you'd accept me like this," Eddie admits, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'm not the same person I was. I’m a monster now."
Steve's hand finally makes contact with Eddie's arm, and the touch sends a jolt through both of them. Eddie's skin, cold and unfeeling for so long, seems to come alive under Steve's touch. The sensation is overwhelming, flooding him with emotions he thought he'd lost. "You're still Eddie," Steve says firmly. "And that's all that matters."
For the first time since his transformation, Eddie feels something akin to hope. Maybe, just maybe, he can find a new place in this world, even in his altered state. And maybe, just maybe, he doesn't have to watch from the shadows anymore.
As they stand there, bathed in moonlight and the warmth of newfound connection, Eddie allows himself to believe that he can still be part of something, that he can still matter. And for the first time in a long time, he feels a glimmer of peace.
But more than peace, he feels a longing, a deep-seated yearning that he can no longer ignore. The way Steve looks at him, with such trust and acceptance, stirs something inside Eddie that he thought was long dead. He realizes that he's not just watching over Steve out of a sense of duty or lost affection; he's watching because he still loves him, with a love that doesn’t need a beating heart to stay alive.
"Eddie," Steve whispers again, his voice softer now, filled with an emotion that Eddie can't quite name but feels deep in his bones. "Stay with me. Don't disappear again."
Eddie's heart, or whatever remains of it, aches at Steve's words. He wants nothing more than to stay, to be close to Steve, to feel that warmth he's been yearning for. He’s been so cold for so long. "I'll stay," Eddie promises, his voice trembling with emotion. "For as long as you'll have me."
Steve's eyes shine with unshed tears as he pulls Eddie into a hug, their bodies fitting together as if they were always meant to. In that embrace, Eddie feels more alive than he has since he died.
And so, under the silver light of the moon, Eddie and Steve stand together, holding onto each other with a love that defies the boundaries of life and death. For the first time, Eddie dares to believe in a future where he doesn't have to hide in the shadows, where he can be with the person he loves, and where he can finally find a place to belong.
As long as Steve is willing to hold him like that, he doesn't need to be alive. All he needs is to be here in Steve’s arms.
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craziertogether · 18 days ago
just thinking
good morning! 12 year old mike was ready to literally k*ll himself because he felt like he had no point in staying in the world anymore. will was dead, he was being severely bullied. his family wasn’t there for him. his friends were being bullied because they were friends with the freak like him. and nobody but dustin/el saw what happened. and absolutely nobody will ever know what pushed him to that point. have a great day :)
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